just got home from a tiring travel from mindoro but i just have to blog about these kids...
i used to see tons of kids waiting at calapan port, just beside the docked ships, asking the ships' passengers for some coins, and i used to wonder with envy those kids who can swim like a fish and able to get those coins being thrown at them...
and i thought that was before, like some 15 years ago, i thought wiht the new port authorities they already stopped coin diving, and the last 2 times i visited mindoro - i didnt see these kid divers... but now, seeing them again doing the same stuff i no longer feel envious with the kids... not that because i am older now but i do really feel pity for them....
the sun is scorchingly hot but i know that these waters are cold, i wonder what will happen to thier young bodies with these conditions....
for just a few coins these kids are exposed to all sorts of danger in their health and life :(
and i shouldn't have given them money but i couldnt help myself to tossed out all the coins i can find in my pockets to them...

1 meow:
Hi! Just dropping by...
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