to the anonymous commenter who asked me to post pictures taken using my iPhone with and with out the zoom lens, here it is... but before anything else let me tell you something about the iPhone camera, ever since i've had Pandora (the name i call my iPhone 4, yeah i'm silly like that hehehe) i knew that even if i dont have my digicam or slr with me, i can take good pictures because iPhone4's camera is sooo good i always use it and it is handy, and i agree that the best camera you have is the one you have in your hand. most photos i upload now in my facebook account and in here are taken using Pandora so regular readers (as if me regular reader hahaha) know that i am telling the truth. sometimes i even get better result using iphone instead of m digicam or slr, no kidding :)

now comes the sample pictures taken using iPhone with zoom lens, as you would notice the pictures are grainy maybe because the light is also low being taken during a sunset, but still produce a nice result and as you would notice from pictures taken with out the zoom lens, the magnification is quite good to think that this is just as soon as you put the zoom lens, not using the full zoom of the phone yet. unfortunately i was having a good time at boracay that i didnt try taking pictures in broad daylight with zoom lens for comparison, maybe i'll do that when i am not too felling lazy.
ps photos of sunset was taken at boracay last weekend.
related iPhone 4 zoom lens posts:
1 meow:
I so love your blog, not to mention the great pics! So full of colors and vibrancy. Kudos!
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