Saturday, September 29, 2007

i dont want to be payatot anymore

this nolita ad campaign is really scary! i don't want to end up this thin!

you often hear me complain about how thin i am and that i need to gain weight. so why am i so obsessed in getting fat? i have always been skinny and i have never ever weigh more than 120lbs in my entire life, how sad is that? as a kid the best description they can give me is "payatot".

when i was a kid and would visit relatives (even for like a 2 day vacation), they always vow that they can make me fat or at least help me gain weight... and true enough they feed me, some even getting at lengths to serve me foods that i like (i am pihikan, picky with what i eat, definitely no vegetables for me). even the neighbors always give me snacks, in our house i automatically have the biggest portion... and i dont have any complaints about it =) i can eat anything i want and people still think that i haven't eaten yet, and would give me second to third servings! whenever i start work in a new company the people welcome me with a standard statement that i just have to wait a few months and i'll be fat... sadly it never happened, ever! and somehow i feel that i've disappointed everyone because they weren't able to make me fat.

i often wonder how it feels like to be fat, or at least have some flesh that when you pinch yourself you dont immediately feel your bones. i eat junk foods and drink lots of soda a lot because they could make you fat. please help me gain weight, just dont give me crap about eating healthy and start eating vegetables!

Monday, September 17, 2007

i am superwoman indeed

i realized i am superwoman indeed ... look i can fly =)

ok, ok... i'm just a cat pretending that i can fly.

been wanting to have a flying photo...thanks to señor enrique for giving dubai chronicles link on how to do the jumpshot. taught my brother the trick and after jumping countless times, he finally got it right... nanakit nga yun paa ko kakatalon! anyways, i also asked my brother to jump for me and he was like we look stupid, told him i dont care, it's for arts sake and pagbigyan ang kaartehan ko haha

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mr. C

I’m nervous and excited at the same time for next week to come. Mr. C (my biggest crush) and I are going to meet next week… before you all think of something else I want to inform y’all that it will be a business meeting only. You see, Mr. C recently resigned from our company and put up his own company and he wants to pirate me… and I’m afraid that because of my infatuation with him, I’ll just say yes and won’t think.

I’m not so happy with my current work right now, but I like my job and the perks I’m getting here, besides in here i have staff and I can boss around our sector managers and even our president (evil laugh here). I know that someday I’m going to get bored of this job anyways but right now I’m still enjoying it. Anyways, what I’m saying is, if I accept Mr.C’s offer, this “comfort zone” is not included in his offer… and I’ll still be doing the same type of work since his new company is similar with ours only they are smaller because they are just starting. Hmmm sounds like I’m convincing myself not to accept.

But the thing is, I like working with Mr. C. He’s so intelligent, he knows what he’s doing, he’s so focused, he knows how to negotiate, handle things efficiently, we just get work done smoothly… well that’s why I got a crush on him. Though he has one tiny flaw… he’s not so good at spelling and oh he sucks at excel. But that’s beside the point, the man can produce results! I guess he also liked how I work, otherwise he wont ask me right?

Somehow, our president heard this rumor that I’m leaving the company and he talked with me and begged me to stay saying that they need me, yadda yadda yadda. Whatever!

Should I accept Mr. C’s offer or stay? what should I say?

Saturday, September 08, 2007

OFW Slogan and Logo Design Contest

The magnanimous Reyna Elena is spearheading this important contest. The whole idea is simple. Create a catchy slogan and a sleek logo that captures the spirit and exemplifies what an Overseas Filipino Worker is all about.

Prize Money: "It’s a Php10,000 winning prize money coming from all the paglalabada at pamama-lantsang ginagawa ko. Dugo at pawis nang isang Reyna."

Go forth and join! For the complete mechanics, click here.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

sigh! sigh! sigh!

waaahhhh my biggest crush dropped by at the office and i was star struck! i was like a bumbling idiot, stupid me! just muttering monosyllables, darn!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

am not superwoman you know

am not superwoman you know.. .ok, sometimes i could be catwoman but never superwoman. i could be lois lane, heck, i’d love to be her. as i’ve been ranting before, why do they think that i’m superwoman and could make miracles in a blink of an eye!

anyways, for those of you who want to lose weight, get a job and go stress yourself of various deadlines, that would sure make you lose those fats! At it is I’m already having a hard time reaching my goal of 110 lbs which I reached eons ago and how I was jumping with glee but then just last month it dropped to 105, and when I checked today… oh boy! I’m just effin 100 lbs. anyone please donate your fats to me, I seriously need to gain weight.


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