i could sit and stare endlessly at a sunset and never get tired watching the sun go down, and it never fails to fascinate me how the sun colors the sky... its like i'm always seeing the sunset for the first time...
to those who haven't voted yet, there's still 3 weeks to go and get a chance to win $100 just by joining. Janet Toral is organizing an an eyeball on august 1 to the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs.
Listing the 8th week summary of entries and their choices in the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs in 2007. If you haven't submitted an entry yet, head on to Ms. Toral's writing project page on how to join.
For Week 8
week 8 entries came from Maki, Silverfork, Jhed, Elman, Willy B. Prilles Jr., Chris, Oroboy, Erick Lau, Paolo, Amelia, Pietrie Jensen, Liz, Marcus G.R., and Daniel Niazy.
7 new blogs cited:BISEAN, CokskiBlue
, Culture Shiok!, Fire Eye'd Boy, L'odyssée de Tattum, PinoyBlogero, Utakgago
The following blogs got one mention each:
Make Money Online with a 13-Year Old
Aries Warrior Princess
Behind the Shrubbery
Confessions of a Hopeless Romantic
Darn Slick Gadgets
Digital Slices of my Life
Don in Beijing
Dummies Guide to Google Blogger Beta
Eliseo Soriano
Elman the Man, Blogspot
Elman the Man, Wordpress
Fine Art of Blogging
Happy Slip Productions
It's a Woman's World
It's not only fruity, it's oaty!
Journals of Enreal
Life and Chocolates
Love Letters
Manila Gay Guy
Puckering Time
Quotes in Can
Sasha says
Sugoi Stuff
The CityLifeStylist
The D Spot
The Dork Factor
The French Journal
Tiggah's Life in Random
1. An Apple a Day (23 mention)
2. Culture Shiok! (17 mention)
3. Make Money Online with a 13-Year Old (16 mention each)
4. The D Spot (15 mention)
5. The Philosophical Bastard (14 mention)
6. BISEAN (11 mention)
Make Money Online with Dosh Dosh
It's not only fruity, it's oaty!
7. CokskiBlue (10 mention each)
Confessions of a Hopeless Romantic
8. The Anitokid Chronikos (9 mention)
9. Dabawenya Jud! (8 mention each)
10. C5's How to Solve the Problem (7 mention each)