google hacked!
i always set my home page to google and i was surprised today when is saw the words "Google - Hacked by Godzilla" in the title bar. i was like, omg! it can't be, nobody can hack google! so isearched the net for news about google being hacked but alas none (thank god) and i found later as well that no matter what site i go to, that silly hacked by godzilla thingy is attached to the title bar ... it seems that my IE is the one having problems and i have a virus in my pc.
so i searched a way to fix the prob and got this useful tip in removing the annoying hacked by godzilla in the title bar
1. Open My Computer and select Tools --> Folder Options then click the View tab
- check at Show Hidden files and folders
- uncheck the Hide extention… and Hide protected operating system file
- click OK
2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. In the Windows Task Manager , click Processes tab
- Click menu Image Name (to sort Files), find wscript.exe then Click End Process button
3. Search for the autorun.inf and MS32DLL.dll.vbs and then delete the files
4. Go to Start --> Run and type regedit click OK. Registry Edit dialoq will display
5. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE --> Software --> Microsoft --> Windows --> Current Version --> Run and delete the MS32DLL
6. Select HKEY_CURRENT_USER --> Software --> Microsoft --> Internet Explorer --> Main look for the item Window Title “Hacked by Godzilla” and delete it. Close the Registry window.
7. Click Start --> Run and then type gpedit.msc click OK. Group Policy dialoq will display. 8. Select User Configuration --> Administrative Templates --> System --> Double Click on file Turn Off Autoplay then Turn Off Autoplay Properties will display
- Select Enabled
- Select All drives
- Click OK
9. ClickStart --> Run and type msconfig Click OK. the System Configuration Utility dialoq will display
- Click Startup tab
- Uncheck MS32DLL
- Click OK
- When the System Configuration dialoq display select Exit Without Restart
10. Open My Computer. Then select Tools --> Folder Options then click the View tab
- Check the Hide extention… and Hide protected operating system f ile
- Click OK
11. Empty Recycle Bin and then restart the computer.