welcome JC
not much to say except to let the world know that my best friend already gave birth last monday to a healthy baby boy named Jomil Christopher (yeah, i already told her why do they have to combine their names, hehehe) anyway, havent seen the baby yet, but am planning to visit them this saturday. hopefully he got his looks after his mom (yes love your own, sorry emil)
2007 starbucks planner
finally i got my starbucks planner yesterday, its kinda bulky but it looks neat, hopefully it'll be filled up with good memories, hoping for the best this 2007. its not that 2006 was a bad year, it was quite good actually but then you always want to look for better things to come.
starbucks frappuccino are great but still i want to share with you my own special coffee recipe. i usually prepare my own coffee at home coz i want it to taste exactlly how i want it, i dont want it too sweet, i even prefer coffee without cream and i want it scalding hot. anyways this is my usual recipe but instead of adding sugar i top my coffee with marshmallows, the heat of the coffee gently melts the marshmallow giving it a frothy taste. try it and 'm sure you'll love it =)

oh havent i told you yet that i'm addicted to coffee? that coffee is like water to me and i cant live a day without a single cup of coffee? that i drink about 3-5 cups of coffee a day?