A colleague of mine sent me this link
http://www.freestuffhotdeals.com/hacker/1.html, and being a puzzle addict myself I happily answered the riddles but that fuckin ojofuffo kept me stuck in page 19… anyways I finally got to the last page and saw granny dancing.
SPOILERS! Below are the answers to all the pages:The first page gives all the hint you’ll ever need, and you have to be really dumb if you cant get to the next page. Just replace 1 with
Page 2 has the word “two”, follow the pattern to go to the next level… replace 2 with
To get to page 4 just replace three with
iv. Think that’s self explanatory, since iv is the roman numeral of the number four.
You’ll get the word ruof which is the number four spelled backwards. Since the next page you want to go to is 5, you have to type the word five in reverse as well, so type in
evif to go to page 5.
You’re in page five and have this ffiivvee glaring at you. You just have to see the pattern; you want to get to page 6, double every letter and you’ll get
666666. No its not an evil sign or something. Just follow the pattern, no need to compute… just type in 7 seven times.
7777777uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system, so you have to ask what the eighth planet is… and the only answer is
acht is number 8 in German language… so it’s telling us to give the number 9 in German which is
neun, pronounced as noin.
sept, once again you just have to see the pattern, September is the ninth month and October is the tenth month but you have to just type in
oct since the clue is abbreviated.
Next page will give you a 10th of spades playing card, the next level you’re aiming is 11, and if you’re talking about cards, there is no eleven, but there is
Page 11 just shows you eLeVeN, so all you need to do is follow suit and type in the number twelve, but make sure you’re following the pattern, notice that the word eLeVeN has caps alternately, so you have to type in twelve in the same pattern…
144, now you have to do some math in here. 144 is the product of 12 x 12, since we want the page 13, you have to compute for 13 x 13 =
You’ll only get a black page on level 13, so you have the highlight the center and you’ll get the word number13, so level 14 means typing in
number14, no space between number and 14.
catorce, is the number 14 in Spanish… so the number 15 is
James Buchanan, is the fifteenth president of the USA, and so it follows that the site is asking for the sixteenth president who is none other than Abraham Lincoln. just type in
sedecim is number 16 in latin, and you know the rule… number 17 in Latin is
septendecim10001 is 17 in binary. You just have to find the conversion of the decimal number 18 into binary. The binary numeral system (base 2 numerals) represents numeric values using two symbols, and the only numbers you’ll be seeing are 0 and 1.

<-- this is the long way to compute.
Based on this computation/formula you will gather that the typical way to count numbers in binary is 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 and so on. You just have to put 1s and 0s in the sequence to add up to 18, another thing is you count it backwards. See the table below to get to the
10010 binary value of 18.

(Just remember that 1 has a value and 0 is null, so you’ll notice that only the numbers 2 and 16 are marked with 1… so 2+16 = 18)
argon is the 18th element in the periodic table of elements, and
potassium is the 19th element. (Now, this one makes you remember your chemistry teacher and how you hated her when she asked you to memorized all the elements and its corresponding number in the table)
ojofuffo, now this fuckin word kept me stuck! How could this meaningless word would mean anything like 19 or be related to 20? I’ve tried different languages but no, so grrr I asked the answer from leslie, and she said the answer is
uxfouz. Ok what the heck! I can’t just accept that the answer is uxfouz, there has to be logic. Then when you see the logic you’ll realize that ojofuffo is not meaningless afterall. It’s a sequence wherein you replace an alphabet letter by shifting one letter forward. So a=b, b=c, c=d, and so on. nineteen becomes ojofuffo and twenty becomes uxfouz.
icosagon is the 20 sided polygon. Remember the rule of naming polygons with greek prefixes. Anyways, the 21 sided polygon is called
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ... 10946. This is the famous fibonacci sequence (adding the last 2 digits to get the next number). 10946 is the 21st number in the sequence so you have to compute to get the 22nd number which is
17711. The formula is usually Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2
Aoozy, Booyy, Cooxy, ... Vooey… look for the pattern, and you’ll see the answer. First letter in the word is capitalized and follow the normal sequence of the alphabet. Next letter to V in the alphabet is W, it is consistent that the 2nd and 3rd letters is o, so we now have Woo. The fourth letter is backwards, from z to a, hence from vooey, the next letter to e is d, and we have the word Wood. The last letter is always y, so the answer would be
Hope you enjoyed it! =)
The concept of "infinity" is not like "ojofuffo". You know the meaning of infinity but you cannot comprehend it. But, you neither know the meaning of "ojofuffo", nor you can comprehend it. Whenever you assign a meaning to "ojofuffo", you relate it to an already existing concept, and it comes into the universe of existence.