Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Friday, December 15, 2006
I still have a stress hangover from my busy schedule last weekend, hopefully this coming weekend wont be as hectic but I doubt it coz I still have to do my Christmas shopping for my inaanaks, yes I’m only doing it now and im hoping against hope that the malls wont be packed and there wont be heavy traffic.
To recap my busy weekend:
Friday, Dec. 8, 2006
The office Christmas party
as you guys know we already had our “very early” office Christmas party last Friday, it was ok but not spectacular if you know what I mean, besides I’m still sour graping coz I didnt won at the raffle. But I was quite happy with how I look, gina did a wonderful makeover of me and I really looked like a celebrity (cant help myself posting this beautiful picture of myself) haha juz forgive this camwhore this Christmas season ok.

my bestfriend’s baby shower.
the initial plan was to held it at music21 last December 1 but due to conflicts of schedule we had to changed it, the venue would have been at the mother-to-be house at sta. mesa, but due to the excessive traffic my two friends got a brilliant idea to change the venue instead to DADS at megamall where we pigged out, of course. T’was fun, she got good gifts except that she already have the watch me grow frame from lisa, only consolation is she can hang both the frame in their bedroom and one in the living room, no one’s going to complain hehehe.

My niece’s baptismal
The ceremony took place at espiritu santo church, in attendance of course were her parents and the ninongs and ninangs, sans the beautiful tita who’s slaving in the kitchen, as if! Hehe actually I was just frying the lumpiang shanghai =) and as usual I burned my hands while frying. I really liked her baptismal dress; actually that was my baptismal dress! Cool huh, 28 year old dress on a 6month old baby.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
yes i'm going gaga over hello kitty again, well my fascination with hello kitty never stops really, its just more intensified now that christmas is coming (*hint! *hint to my friends and everyone please give me any hello kitty item) my hello kitty wish list is long that it can circle the globe thrice.
i'm drooling over these items as i'm writing this

but just in case you want to make me happy you can check out these shops hehehe
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
1. for direction. I have lived my entire life in manila but no I don’t know all the roads there is, yeah I’ve been working in makati for like 3 years now but I don’t know where the hell are such and such buildings. So if you’ll gonna ask me for direction, the answer is I don’t know, or if im gonna be brave enough to think that I know that particular place, be prepared to get lost. My sense of direction (or lack of it) is so pathetic. maybe I should wear a placard saying don’t ask for directions, im lost as well.. I cant count anymore how many times I got lost, irregardless if I have a map, I don’t know how to read a map. No matter if you tell me to go this, go left, then right, I’ll always get lost as you see I am already having a hard time trying to remember which is my left and which is my right.
2. for money. I may look like a million bucks but trust me I don’t have money. The stunning clothes im wearing are from ukay believe it or not. i’ve never bought a dress or shirt worth more than 800, why buy expensive stuff if you can buy beautiful stuff at ukay for 3 for 100 only. But as I’ve said I don’t have money, I’m having a hard time making ends meet, I’m just your ordinary working girl living from paycheck to paycheck.
3. about engineering stuff. I have no way of knowing stuff about roads, what does a signaling engineer does, how you're going to make this airport better, I’m not an engineer! I may know a lot of things but it doesn’t mean I know everything.
4. why I’m still single. I don’t know as well, maybe I’m just too picky, self sufficient, independent and loves freedom, or I’m just weird.
5. to stop smoking. It’s my choice and you cant do anything about it. If ever im gonna stop, its because I want to, not because somebody asked me to.
6. why I’m thin. To be honest, I don’t know. But based on my experience, whenever I say I don’t know, people always give me an answer/suggestion as to why im thin, so to stop them from guessing why Im thin I just say that my metabolism is so fast (actually that was one of the suggestion/asnwer that was given to me) why not use that word, it stops them from guessing, and it sounds scientifically cool.
7. why I’m beautiful. I was born a goddess. Don’t get envious now; just love me for being beautiful hahaha.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
i know it's still early to greet y'all but its only 25 days to go before Christmas! i love Christmas, its my favorite holiday of the year, even with all the hassles it brings like buying gifts and stuff (which reminds me i still have to do my christmas shopping) but these past few years i can't feel the spirit of christmas anymore. it seems that the christmas nowadays is different than when it used to be when i was still a kid, maybe its true that christmas is for kids only, but i want to feel that christmas feeling again.

here's the nativity scene located in front of Philippine Stock Exchange Building, reminds us not to forget what christmas is really all about.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
this first image is just using the powerful dodge and burn tools.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
YEHEY!!! i just won a brand new TIMEX 5G881 from aution.ph :) *grin

the auction have this "30 milyong pabwenas" promo that will run till dec i joined the auction last oct. 23 getting encourage by my officemates, leslie and michelle who already won a portable dvd player and Php 2,900 respectively from the said promo, and i have joined in the bandwagon of waiting at these times 10:00, 11:00, 2:00, 3:00 for the events.
so, if i were you join na, nothing to lose. you just sign up and you already have a chance to win. afterall there's a saying that the best things in life are free.
here's the mechanics for:
Daily Lucky 3 Combo
From Mondays to Fridays, Auction.ph will feature three (3) wonderful items up-for-sale, for an unbelievable bargain price of only P100 to three (3) lucky members. Each item in our daily showcase has a secret 3-digit purchase code. All you have to do is guess the correct combination for each item. The one to guess the item's correct 3-digit combo is declared the winning buyer and pays only P100 for the item.
One peso acution
Upon sign-in, proceed to event main page and check for any ongoing One Peso Auction. Should there be an ongoing Auction and you wish to join, click ‘Bid Now’ button. The system automatically accepts your bid with a bid increment of P 1 from the current highest bid price. As a member, you can bid only 5 times per item. The member who meets the target price of an item, which is set by Auction.ph, will be declared as the winning bidder. Auction of a particular item will not end until the target price of an item is met.
for more details just visit their site at http://auction.ph
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
yey got a new boots for only 615! a bargain price for a boots that i really like, its pointed toes, the form, the heels and its really comfy, in short... di masakit sa paa. got it from leaveland, just hope that these boots will last long... got it from midnight sale and i paid it at the cashier at exactly 12 midnight lol, sulit and midnight sale hahaha (will post the picture tom). actually me and my girlfriends meet at glorieta last friday to plan the baby shower for my bestfriend (she's due on the 2nd week of december), didn't know that it was midnight sale that friday and you can imagine kun gano kadami un tao dun, as in! anyways after eating at sbarro we proceed to greenbelt hoping mas onti un tao dun for a cup of coffee at starbucks, pero since its friday night dami pa rin tao. anyways we were able to plan the baby shower, the only thing that needs to be done is the execution of the plan, we're doing this baby shower for the frist time so hopefully everything will work out nicely. we're planning to hold the party at music 21, date is tentatively between nov 30 to dec 2, not final yet, we still have to check our schedules.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
sigh, we'll my old boots cant take it any longer and has retired months ago, after endless use and abuse from its owner it just have to take a rest and i'd been hunting a new pair of boots since then (though i got sidetracked by those cute sandals for some time) but now i really want to have new boots now, as in now na! hehehe

i want ankle boots to be precise and i so want these boots, anyone who has a spare? hopefully i can find boots that resemble those in the photos from our local shops and i'm really in a tight budget right now so anyone willing to donate or help me have a good pair of boots is very much welcome
Monday, November 13, 2006
he certainly made his name big this time, and after this 2006 world pool championships his name has become a byword in every Filipino household… no longer in the shadow of his idol eferen bata reyes but a name on his own, in this one kind of a league of billards. Proving himself worthy of the title in showing his skill and superb talent in pool, and of course our lady luck never left his side. Congratulations to the volcano for a very well played game.
as what the formidable souquet said , he very well deserved this title, beating the bests in the world including bata and the 2005 world champ – wu chia ching.
Friday, November 10, 2006
photo from http://www.inq7.net
Waaaaa bata lost! Of course im talking about the magician, need I say more? The man doesn’t need any introduction at all. Stayed up till 1am to watch his fight with alcano, but too bad his luck didn’t came in out during the first 4 racks, missing some easy shots. Luck came in the middle of the match and got his usual stride to make a comeback but then missed again on those easy shots, urgghh! Anyways, that’s life and when you play billards, you should always have luck on your side to win the game. Besides alcano made a good fight, he’s actually good, even bata thinks so.
Here’s an excerpt of an interview from AZB with bata after his induction into the BCA Hall Of Fame (for the complete interview go here)
AZB: There are so many good players coming over to the states from the Phillippines. Who do you think is the next big star coming from there?
Efren: There are many young promising players in the Philippines like Lee Van Corteza, Dennis Orcullo and Warren Kiamco but of all the players, I think Ronnie Alcano is the one who has more or less adopted my style of play.
Anyways, since bata is out, im no longer sulking over the fact that I wasn’t able to buy tickets to the world pool for the quarter finals... I only wanted to watch it live because of bata but now, I’ll just watch the rest of the tournament on tv, its live on espn anyways, and I always gets the best seat at home =)
Before bata’s match, there was the jharome pena and steve davis match and I really enjoyed watching those two, especially their heartbreaking misses of the good shot (dang, these players always misses the easy ones… I wonder if they do it on purpose hehehe).
And I think the real highlight of that game was when davis made a foul by actually hitting on the 3 ball failing to see or actually forgetting that the 2 ball was still on the table. Davis is good and I really liked the way pena played with this veteran.
I wish goodluck to these 3 filipinos left in last 16: alcano, de luna, and luat. Cant make a forecast who’s going to win the tournament, haven’t actually watched those Taipei guys played, heard they’re good but still I wish that one of our 3 remaining bets won the finals this sunday.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Yey finally! After endless tweaking and browsing the net on how to imbed my own background and header images for this blog and how to manipulate the minima black template to suit my taste i finally got it right. Thanks to google for always being there, google always knows the answer and the right site to turn to hahaha. Many thanks to bien for teaching me PS techniques so that i can produce the image that i want. And to these two ladies (whom i don’t know personally but thanks to the net for making the world smaller) for posting their how to’s: kate and pam. You can also learn a lot of things about html and css in here. Enjoy!!!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween's origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, if you’ve reading the Vampire chronicles by Anne Rice, it was on Samhain that Magnus was created… I’m getting ahead of myself again. Anyways back to Halloween’s history, 2,000 years ago the Celts celebrated their new year on November 1. This day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. On the night of October 31, they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. In addition to causing trouble and damaging crops, Celts thought that the presence of the otherworldly spirits made it easier for the Druids, or Celtic priests, to make predictions about the future.
To commemorate the event, Druids built huge sacred bonfires, where the people gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities. During the celebration, the Celts wore costumes, typically consisting of animal heads and skins, and attempted to tell each other's fortunes. When the celebration was over, they re-lit their hearth fires, which they had extinguished earlier that evening, from the sacred bonfire to help protect them during the coming winter.
By the 800s, the influence of Christianity had spread into Celtic lands. In the seventh century, Pope Boniface IV designated November 1 All Saints' Day, a time to honor saints and martyrs. It is widely believed today that the pope was attempting to replace the Celtic festival of the dead with a related, but church-sanctioned holiday. The celebration was also called All-hallows or All-hallowmas (from Middle English Alholowmesse meaning All Saints' Day) and the night before it, the night of Samhain, began to be called All-hallows Eve and, eventually, Halloween. Even later, in A.D. 1000, the church would make November 2 All Souls' Day, a day to honor the dead. For complete history of Halloween please click here.
Some story huh, but it gets you thinking that maybe it is true, that most of Christian’s tradition have originated or a spinoff of pagan beliefs.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Books can bring you into a magical world of wonder; it lets you travel the whole world without leaving your seat. A book can isolate me, welcoming me inside a story and you’ll lost me in the pages… it doesn’t matter if I am in the center of a noisy crowd, all else becomes at stand still once I’m engrossed in a book… I’m encapsulated in that moment, where nothing else matters except the people and the location in my book. As what my beloved Lestat aptly said (from the Blackwood Farm novel) “…and books, they offer one hope -- that a whole universe might open up from between the covers, and faliing into that new universe, one is saved.”
Friday, September 29, 2006
the sun is shining brightly today, as if the storm that we had yesterday noon was just a dream but every broken tree and debris in every street tells me that the typhoon was real. the whole of luzon was covered in darkness, because power lines were destroyed, luckily for us at caloocan we have electricity already when I woke up this morning, but the others are not so lucky coz they are still relying on generators and candles. some roads are fortunately getting passable after the flood but too sad, death toll is increasing due to landslides. a lot of people got injured and died because of those huge billboards (those people kept on talking about how dangerous these billboards are but not doing anything bout it, maybe they will now.. but that’s too late huh). that milenyo is the worst typhoon i’ve ever experienced in my life, it’s scary seeing the strong wind coupled with the rain bashing everything on its path… i still cant believe that a wind can actually break and uproot even the most sturdy looking tree. i was actually stupid enough to go to work yesterday even though it was declared as signal no. 3 in metro manila, and i even saw the satellite image of the storm covering the entire luzon prior to the announcement, kinda scary but experiencing the actual storm is actually scarier. it actually took me an hour from buendia to paseo due to flooded street and heavy traffic!
since our office is at the 14th floor, we can see that much what’s happening outside, trees falling, roofs lifted, just across our building is the paseo carpark and the parking booth, fully cemented collapsed in a nearby parked car, i pity whoever owns that car, and some of my officemates even saw a van toppled at valero street. you can hear the howling of the wind and it seems that our windows will break because of its strength. it was lunch time when the eye of the storm crosses metro manila, getting hungry, gina and i bravely went down to buy some food, at the ground floor, we’re like oh my god, it’s even scarier outside but that didn’t deter us going out since we’re really hungry, we opted to go to henlin since it’s the nearest just around the corner, but it was closed when we get there. no power, no nothing… what’s worse is that we even thought we’ll gonna die out there coz this strong wind just blew just when we we’re at the corner and our umbrella was turned upside down (so much for thinking that it was strong coz it was big) i even thought it will carry the two us down the road along with this huge chunk of tree that fell on the ground and got strewn right in the middle of the road. no choice but to go back to our building where it’s much safer, hungry and all and we just got ourselves wet.
back at the office, we learned that somehow, some of the windows got opened by the wind and a couple of rooms got beaten, one room’s ceiling even fell. anyways, with all the excitement that’s going on, we’re still hungry and the fear made us more hungry. since, it’s a desperate time, we took on desperate action, we actually raid the ref and check out what can be eaten, I even got a can of coke hahaha, we managed to eat leftover rice, tuna, and ate betsy’s tocino. empty stomach problem, solved!
next to our worries is how to get home, hr already declared halfday but we got work to do and a deadline to beat, why do i have to be so damned concerned, why oh why… anyways I stayed up till 4pm, monitoring what’s happening to the outside world through online radio, people were stranded, so i also figured better stay at the office and wait till the flood at least subside. figured I’d rather be home just in case it get worse again, finally decided to pack up and plan which route to take just in case. Darn, darn darn, why is it I don’t have my own car, anyways I’m pretty sure i will only get stuck in the rain if I have car anyways. the president of our company offered his home just in case we got stuck but I wish he just offered us a car and a driver (but that’s wishful thinking hehe). outside, the strong wind has stopped but it’s still raining and it seems to me that almost all the trees fell, actually the newly opened coffee bean store’s window got broken, and the park near pse looks like Jurassic park, it’s a mess…, luckily I was able to get a ride from pse to buendia but omg it took us more than an hour to reached buendia and I was getting hungry again. At buendia, I immediately crossed the street and bought bacon mushroom melt (yummy) at wendys for fear that it would take me another hour before I get home since the lrt is not operational as well. good thing there is this abad santos route fx and he just asked for 40pesos. we traveled along roxas boulevard and only one lane was passable since most of the trees fell of the road… it was too dark actually to see the extent of the damage… good thing there’s no traffic and it seems all the people are already home. so i got home safely but there’s no electricity, not much to do, but at least I’m home.
Monday, September 25, 2006
1. This too shall pass. Nothing stays the same. The only constant in life is change. With every decision we make, we initiate change. Even when we decide not to decide, life still goes on, and changes still occur. When we are in a state of discomfort, sadness, grief, or pain, we know that because life goes on, change will bring us some kind of relief. And because even comfort, happiness, and all good things also pass, we know that we need to appreciate and cherish each precious, fleeting moment.
2. Time heals. The timepiece of life never stops. Neither does it pause for those who celebrate, speed up for those who are impatient, nor slow down for those who fear tomorrow. Time ticks a regular rhythm that steadily brings new moments, new days, and new seasons. As time pushes forward, we take new steps, face new challenges, and create new opportunities. And as life goes on, we are forced to move past our episodes of disappointment, sorrow, or despair. More than anything else, time heals not just broken bones but broken hearts as well.
3. Ask and you shall receive. People won't know what you want unless you ask for it. Dreams and goals are just wishes until you act on them, and acting on them often requires that you ask for answers, for assistance, or for something tangible. It takes a lot of courage to ask for help, but when you come forward, only then will the world know what to give you. Just ask and know that miracles can happen.
4. You can have anything, but not everything. Life offers us infinite possibilities. With hard work, determination, and perseverance, we can achieve anything. If we are willing to pay the price and go the extra mile, we can have whatever our hearts desire. But no matter how hard we try, we can't have everything. Life is a balancing act of wins, losses, and trade-offs...we gain some and we lose some.
5. What goes around comes around. It's the universal law of nature: do to others what you want others to do to you, because whatever you sow, you reap; whatever you give, you get back ten-fold. It doesn't hurt to smile, or be kind, or extend a helping hand. You never know when or how, but every act of goodness always returns to the GIVER. Give one today and receive ten tomorrow
Thursday, September 21, 2006
I’ve been to San Juan, Batangas last weekend to attend Mamay Pilo’s funeral, and it was fun in a peculiar way… don’t get me wrong in here, I know that losing someone is painful and knowing that that someone is never coming back is worse but you have to accept that life is like that. Maybe, I can only say these things because I haven’t really experienced losing someone that I’m really close with and hopefully I won’t have to experience it in the near future.
Anyways, as I’ve said my visit to
photographs... and more photographs
I’ve made the best of our 2 days stay in

Me and nasnip Rose went kuhol hunting (a big snail or what the French calls escargot). That’s us in the field hehehe... i'm getting used to photograph myself
Would you believe that these tiny things are eggs of snail? Love these pink eggs!
found out new things as well..., just look at this goat's eyes!!! i've always thought that pupils are circles in general but here is this goat glaring at me with his rectangular pupil
sitaw anyone? my first time to see sitaw from its vine, didnt know before that you have to pick it one by one, i thought they grow in bunch as what you see in the supermarket
Thursday, September 14, 2006
hey guys, am pretty sure that you've heard about www.youtube.com and you have definitely watched videos from there. And yes, the “Keys Me” song/video debuted in youtube. I’ve discovered nice videos there, especially rare hello kitty videos and I’ve wanted to download/save them so much.
Unfortunately youtube doesn’t allow you to save these videos… good thing there is http://youtubex.com (thanks yam for giving me this site) .. You just have to paste the url of your favorite video in the youtubex website and presto you can already save it in your computer. But you have to save the file in .flv format (flash video) and you gotta have the flv player, which you can download for free at this site http://www.martijndevisser.com/blog/article/flv-player-updated
Enjoy watching your videos :)
But if you can't answer them and want to throw yourself in the window already, just highlight the solutions to see my answers. enjoy!
The first game is called cube. http://www.eyezmaze.com/grow/cube/index.html
There are 10 items in all and you just have to figure out which should be grown first. You should click the boxes in this order: man, water, plants, pot, tube, fire, dish, bone, pink ball, and spring… then you would see this cute congratulations!

the grow cube ver.2 http://www.eyezmaze.com/grow/v2/index.html
solution: cone, cube, paper, cylinder, oval, circle

the grow cube ver.3 http://www.eyezmaze.com/grow/v3/index.html
solution: blue mountain, gray cube, orange circle, ladder, egg, pipe or tube, gear, fan, tornado, dish, another gear (the last icon), rectagular black box

grow rpg http://www.eyezmaze.com/grow/RPG/index.html
solution: house, tree, castle, water, building, rock, treasure chest, stairs

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Its official, i have sore eye as confirmed by dr. zagala, though my conjunctivitis is still in the first stage. She prescribed me a steroid drop to prevent further inflammation of my eyes, I was like what? You want me to put steroid in my eyes!!!?? Well anyways, she said I should apply it 4x a day and if my right eye feels itchy too, I should put medication on it as well.
I already knew that I was going to have it coz mami Dorcas had the virus and infected me hehehe….so I was saying I already felt it coming coz when I woke up last Sunday morning my left eye feels different, it’s itchy and stingy at the same time, and yes lots of muta (that gummy yellowish secretion in the eye) and when I check myself in the mirror, my eyes are puffy and my left eye is pinkish. I was like, oh no and at the same time welcoming the virus coz it means leave from work hahaha. But after washing my face the redness is gone, so ok, I don’t have sore eyes pa pala, sayang! Hehehe.
So, even though I was feeling uncomfortable with my eyes I still went to the office yesterday, if only I haven’t had that weird dream I really would have filed sick leave. And I had to attend a meeting, and I was secretly wishing that they get infected as well, they have a good chance of getting the virus since we’re all cooped up in the conference room hahaha. But nothing happened.,, life goes on.
Anyways, I still went to the office today, need to finish something first for the project that we’re working on, and my “former boss”, as what he calls himself, came to my desk and ordered me to go and visit a doctor. I was like, I know I have it and I already know the remedies and what not but he insisted I should visit a doctor for antibiotics, etc… so ok, I was ordered and need to comply, besides what a good excuse to leave the office for an early lunch hehehe. but still I came back to the office, and they we’re like, omg don’t infect us, go home. Yeah right! Am not sure if I’ll be able to go to the office tomorrow… i’ll see through my reddish puffy eye
Monday, September 11, 2006
dragons and dinosaurs
Ever wonder if dragons and dinosaurs were still alive? What would you do if they still walk in this earth and crashes in on your backyard? Would you be scared of getting trampled or eaten? Or you’d be brave to hunt and cage them and locked them in a zoo? It’ll all be just ifs and hypothetical now, forever wondering how it would be… but I think it would be fun, just look at my nephews enjoying the company of these huge creatures.

Friday, September 08, 2006

That’s me in the Butterfly Garden at Subic some years back. They have different species of butterflies there and what’s so good is that the butterflies there seem to love camera, they even pose with you, I swear.
Butterfly watching is really fun, which reminds me I need to go to Luneta and visit the Orchidarium and Butterfly Pavilion, shame on me, the Orchidarium has been there for years and I haven’t visited it yet.
Thursday, September 07, 2006

This hello kitty comic strip is owned by www.sanrio.com
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Last august 11, Petron’s Solar I oil tanker sank at Guimaras Island. The tanker was carrying 500,000 gallons of oil and it leaked about 50,000 gallons already. The oil spill has affected 200 kilometers of shoreline, damaging more than 1000 hectares of mangroves in the area. Needless to say that it’s a catastrophe and it would take at least a year to clean up the shores of Guimaras. But, its business as usual for Petron! It was reported that they are paying the locals just 200 pesos per day to clean up the mess they made… that’s a pittance on how much they earn and to think that these locals, mostly fishermen, were earning 500 bucks a day before the tragedy. Please sign this petition to let Petron be accountable to this tragedy.
For more information and how to help Guimaras please click here.
Our water, our life.
12 million people in Metro Manila depend on the La Mesa reservoir for water. Please help keep it safe and clean.
Add your voice to the campaign to preserve the La Mesa Watershed. Join the signature campaign asking the government TO DECLARE LA MESA WATERSHED A PROTECTED AREA. By signing the petition, you are opposing the privatization of the 59- hectare portion of the La Mesa Reservoir, wherein a housing project will be built, thus endangering the integrity of Metro Manila’s water supply. Join various organization in the La Mesa Coalition in asking the government to exhaust all means to find a just solution to the rights of the awardees/ claimants of the 59-hectare land, without prejudicing the rights of 12 million Metro Manila residents to clean water.